Episode 7
January 18 2019
In the interest of starting the New Year on a memorable note, we decided to have five of us around the table…which is already a bad idea. And when one of them is Neil returning after six months…it made having five even more complicated. And considering that it’s the first time young Moh and Kevin are doing the show with Neil…and we had donuts and other edibles around the table…it was over before it started
So now that you’re curious to know what happened on the anime talk, honestly Mike is too. In between all of the filler we did briefly remind ourselves about holding Anime North in Toronto’s west end (13:30), further streaming video thoughts including Mike’s initial thoughts after subscribing to Crunchyroll (17:00), the constant issues of ads on free tiers, a disturbing difference between Crunchyroll searches on both Apple and non Apple devices (36:00), a thought concerning the Japanese businesses mentioned before (56:25), the group’s inital reactions to watching Battleship Tiramisu and the Misinformed YouTube video on anime (1:01:32), Neil’s reaction to the Netflix pick ups mentioned back in episode 6 (1:21:45), upcoming anime theatrical releases (1:30:50), Kevin giving a thought on the end of the Shonen Jump magazine in North America (1:49:20), and a really odd thought about the Marie Kondo phenomenon which Mike knows he’ll talk about a little more in the future (1:51:45)…but right now he really needs to take a candy
Mike Nicolas, Neil Sinclair, James Austin, Mohamed Sharmarke, Kevin Ng
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