Episode 75
December 18 2022: End of a Pokemon Era
Really we only talk about two (and a half) things this time around
You knew we were going to talk Blue Lock with the FIFA World Cup ending a few hours before. So Mike gives Amy and Kevin a quick synopsis of Blue Lock, and how sometimes anime and manga can both imitate real life, and question it
32:50 - Mike gives an update on the Hana Kimura story
34:50 - We digest on the news of the ending of the Ash and Pikachu story in the Pokemon anime, and the end of an era in our fandom. With Amy giving a quick history of how the anime has “evolved”
This weeks drinking game: Take a shot when you realize we will have to explain Blue Lock again…
Mike Nicolas, Kevin Ng, Amy-Lynn Greig
Opening Theme: “FUBUKI - Snowstorm” performed by Pico Masaki
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